Customized solutions in 6-8 weeks
Raphide is an open source workflow solution and is configured to create a made-to-measure solution for each client. It is user-friendly and based on the paperless office philosophy.
For companies & organisations:
- Raphide is an open source workflow platform and will be configured to meet your corporate (travel) policy
For travel management companies Raphide can be white-labelled
- Raphide is a made-to-measure workflow platform and is configurable for sustainable business partners
- Add-on to your TMC's current booking process or online booking tool
- Pre-trip audit add-on
- Rail scanner add-on
- CO2-emission add-on
Fees for Raphide
Fees for the tool depends on the complexity of the company's process. Our prices are competitive and only a fraction of your booking costs. We offer two financial options:
- A fixed price offer including a customised services level agreement
- A cost per transaction + an implementation fee